+357-99-115-010 info@pafos.taxi
Tour price: 30 - 50 €
Adventurous jeep tour in a small group to the majestic Troodos mountains
Tour price: up to 4 people 280 € / up to 6 people 360 €

Tour of Paphos with attending to the Church of St. George, the Sea Caves in Peyia, the Kathikas Winery, Polis, Latchi and the baths of Aphrodite.
Tour duration - 5 hours
Tour price: up to 4 people - 150 euros / up to 6 people - 180 euros
Tour price: up to 4 people 120 € / up to 6 people 150 €
Cyprus is an island of saints, culture and beauty. This tour will take you from the Paphos area to Limassol with a visit of some most important attractions of the itinerary such as:
Экскурсия по Пафосу с посещением церкви Святого Георгия, Морских пещер в Пегии, Винодельни Катикас, Полиса, Лачи и купален Афродиты.
Время тура - 5 часов
Стоимость тура: до 4 человек 150 евро / до 6 человек 180 евро